Thursday, June 14, 2012

A couple shots from my Nikon

Ok, just a quick detour from my new format. Here are a couple jumping shots from yesterdays fly caught fish taken with my Nikon. Today was tough we saw loads of fish but just couldn't get them to eat, very frustrating. I am also testing out a GoPro rig for more underwater shots but haven't had much success yet. I'll keep you posted.

my guide service website 
my photography website


Denver Photographer said...

This photo of couple jumping shots really very lovely. That is cold and excitement to watch the clouds closely is quite different experience.

chelseastaffbureau said...

Wow enjoying the fish

Carp Fishing said...

What a nice picture you have taken by Nikon.The fishes are in awesome position. I also enjoy this fish and their playing. I Like fishing, Carp fishing . In my school life I usually spent the evening period at the side of canal where people are used to go for Carp fishing . I miss this very days. However the pictures of the post reminds me of those days.